Thursday, November 04, 2010

in the car today...

i was driving craig to the train (because it's pouring) before dropping the boys off at school.  sy has a spelling test tomorrow so i started quizzing him.  it went a little something like this...

me: sy, how do you spell "crayon"?

sy: "c-r-a-y-o-n"

me: how do you spell "mailbox"?

sy: "m-a-i-l-b-o-x'

me: what are some of your other words this week?

sy: "t-r-a-y"...tray, and "t-r-a-i-n"...train.  and this one, "i-n-y-o-u-r-f-a-c-e"...IN YOUR FACE!

craig and i just about died laughing and sy was pretty proud of himself.  it was maybe the funniest thing he's ever done.

more photos and updates coming soon...


the harrisons said...

your kids crack me up! I love that he said that to you. what a smarty pants! when can we get together friend? i want to see your super sweet home!

lacy said...

lol! that is all kinds of awesome.

the andersons said...

Hee hee Sy! You are a sly fox.....

Angie Judd said...

That is freakin' HILARIOUS!!!!
Logan is down with the spelling too...
Logan: I know how to spell awesome.
Me: how?
Logan: L-O-G-A-N

Britney said...

SO FUNNY!!!!!! It is no surprise that you would have such funny kids. No surprise at all.


Funny, funny, funny. GOOD LUCK!
Anne, you're going to have to be on your toes! Craig's going to be way too sleep deprived to keep up with Sy!

thelisifamily said...

very clever Mr. Sy- that would have taken Aunt Susan a few minutes to sound out :)